An experiment was conducted that The players participated in a game and then completed performance test 24 to 48 hours after the game, some of them utilized cold-water immersion which showed a significant beneficial effect. Those athletes came back to peak performance faster and had less pain and fatigue after the match. Cold water immersion helped them get back to desired performance level quicker. This experiment was concluded that cold therapy is an effective way for animals to relax after exercises.
As for horse, they also be treated with cool therapy. But in some performance disciplines, we see horses after a race or a strenuous workout standing in buckets of ice water or ice boots up to their elbows or past the hocks. It’s not so convenient like human race can moving while cool therapy. At the beginning, they will apply an cold pack or use ice directly then wrap with a bandage, while they ignore that freezing temperature will also do harm to body tissues. Then, some veterinarian and horse owners notice that it can work as effective as when its used in human race.
When talking about advantages of cool bandage,tips are as follow:

- It will reduce the temperature of the injury to approximately 15°C and maintain the temperature for up to 2 hours.
- It’s easy to use. Just wrap the bandage uniformly around the affected area overlapping itself no more than 3 times.
- Our bandages have several materials for your choice, each materials have elasticity, that you can adjust tightness according to your condition.
correct application of cold bandages in horse race:
Don’t attach our products to the wound directly. Contact your veterinarian immediately if the following conditions occurred:
- Increased pain or lameness;
- Discharge from a wound that has a foul order, unusual color or seems to be excessive swelling;
- Increased warmth at the injury site;
- Elevated body temperature(100 F+ or -1 is considered normal);
- Recumbency- horse spends am abnormal amount of time lying down;
- Lack of appetite or depression.
And it is essential that you should know something dangerous will happened if you wrongly use bandages:
- Wrapping too tight creates pressure points
- Wrapping too loose does not provide proper support and may endanger the horse.
- Slippage may cause circulation problems. Re-wrap daily to avoid.
- Dirt or debris may enter bandage and cause skin irritation. Please make sure the skin surface is clean to lower occurs of potential risks.