So, what is it? It is Kinesiology tape. Some of you may still confused of its name and how does it works. It is a therapeutic tape that’s applied strategically to the body to provide support, lessen pain, reduce swelling, and improve performance. It is constructed of fine, breathable, stretchable material, usually cotton or a cotton blend. Its elasticity does not overly restrict the area of application, and it is designed to provide just enough pressure and support to facilitate strength in the muscles and tissues.
It stabilizes the injured area by lightly adhering to the skin and applying pressure to the tissues the tape is wrapped around, and allows the connective tissue surrounding the affected muscle or tendon to move along with the body. This kind of tape gently allows the free flow of blood and lymphatic fluid to cleanse and heal the inflammation without the use of medications or surgery.
Benefits of Using Kinesiology Tape
Now,Kinesiology tape is commonly used but remains a mystery by many. In the next part, we’ll introduce benefits of Kinesiology tape for you.
- Reduce pain
The primary uses of Kinesiology tape in healthcare is to treat musculoskeletal pain conditions like back pain, ankle sprains, tennis elbow and so on.
- To Create Better Habitual Movement
Kinesiology athletic taping helps you better understand your affected body part, reinforce correct motor patterns until the optimal strategy is learned and becomes habitual. It is not designed to stop movement mechanically. Instead, it guides movement and improves proprioception through its effect on the nervous system.
- Prevents Fatigue
Fatigue is one of the most significant predictors of injury.Once symptoms of fatigue occurred, you can apply tape on their hamstrings and synergist muscles, such as the glutes and calves, to provide support and prevent fatigue.
- Enhances the Body’s Fasciall Lines
If you are professional on sports or medical, you may know muscles don’t work in isolation but rather function in chains connected by fascia to move the body. In this case you can use tapes to enhance the strength of Fasciall lines. An research shows that taping for pain and athletic performance should be used with other interventions for the best outcomes.
- Reduces Fluid Build Up and Improves Flow
Improving fluid dynamics was the reason why kinesiology tape originally be invented. If you could lift the skin and other layers of soft tissue using tape, then fluid (e.g., swelling) would be allowed to disperse and move through the lymphatic system.
- Doesn’t Restrict Mobility
It can be worn for three to five days even when you are showering and during exercise without compromise, which prolongs its effects of reducing pain, improving muscle function, and increasing fluid dynamics and circulation.
There are some circumstances in which kinesiology tape should not be suggested to use or strictly prohibited.
- Open wounds
Using tape over a wound could lead to infection or skin damage.
- Deep vein thrombosis
Increasing fluid flow could cause a blood clot to dislodge, which might be fatal.
- Active cancer
Increasing blood supply to a cancerous growth could be dangerous.
- Lymph node removal
Increasing fluid where a node is missing could cause swelling.
- Diabetes
If you have reduced sensation in some areas, you might not notice a reaction to the tape.
- Allergy
If your skin is sensitive to adhesives, you could trigger a strong reaction.
- Fragile skin
If your skin is prone to tearing, you should avoid placing tape on it.
Our main customers include some of the biggest sports teams, including national teams, where the Kinesiology tape is used on elite athletes and professional sports players, so it has to be reliable to withstand some serious action. And some hospitals or clinics are also consuming our tapes to immobilize heath sensors and other equipment.